Friday, September 17, 2010

The connossieur by Nargis Dalal-an innate study of human interests

i die for beautiful things....

Nargis Dalal's expert handling of plot and character, her understanding of the irony of the human situation, her keen ear for what to leave unsaid, and her judicious introduction of le moment de verite, somehow give her stories an added dimension.

feeling kleptomaniac..

besides having reflected upon her own inner workings, she has observed human nature in general very keenly, with an intensity of vision and a flair for lateral thinking that enable her to bring to life seemingly commonplace emotions and situations to a sphere more highly colored than most of us would find possible. she writes of marriage, of murder, of village life, of temples and those who frequent and inhabit them, of the things that break and mend the heart.

feel like stealing one of them....

trying hard to possess something....

we read of a dyed-in the wool kleptomaniac in "The connossieur".

The Connossieur is a study of kleptomanaic character called miss krishna, spry thin spinister, desperately attached herself to the author and encroached into her personal space; the author had such an irritating experience with miss krishna, but felt empathetic and tried hard to convince the readers about the Connossieur skills, irrespective of miss Krishna's kleptomania.

it's an irony of human condition in the case of Miss krishna, for that matter, everyone is vulnerable to circumstances and helpless in this world. Miss krishna had been left a cottage to live by her mother who had lavished all her love for the pretty younger married daughter. This must have created a sense of alienation in miss krishna.

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